Entrepreneur Builds Sustainable Lifestyle, and Muscle

Lost more than 50 lbs and built muscle

Entrepreneur Builds Sustainable Lifestyle, and Muscle

Lost more than 50 lbs and built muscle

Entrepreneur | Men | Muscle Build | Sports Nutrition | Weight Loss

It’s been a more comfortable ride than I thought. There are things you have to give up, there is a sacrifice in something like this, but for me, it's just been worth it.
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During my college years, I was a seasoned athlete and football player. However, once my football days ended, my exercise habits disappeared while my eating habits remained. Over time, I noticed that my approach to diet and exercise wasn’t working as it used to. Despite feeling like I was doing the right things for my body, I kept gaining weight. It was frustrating to realize that what once worked for me no longer did.

Creating a Sustainable Lifestyle

Looking around, I noticed that there weren’t many people my size in their 70’s and 80’s. This observation made me realize that I needed to make a change and lose weight to create a lifestyle that I could sustain.

When I started with MetPro, I weighed in at 280 pounds. Over the course of a few months, the weight started to come off. For the first time in years, I was under 270, then 260, and I kept thinking, ‘I wonder if I could keep going’. So, little by little, I did. At my lowest, I hit 229 and from there, I fluctuated only a few pounds. 

Goal Setting & Challenging Myself

What was different about my journey was that once I hit my goals, I wanted to challenge my body to see what I could do next. First, my MetPro coach and I focused on leaning out and toning up, then we focused on putting on muscle. My coach, who’s a Registered Dietitian, said this about me: “For Michael, it’s so much more than how he looks, it’s about how he feels. Witnessing how he transformed and changed from a sedentary lifestyle to someone in the gym who is killing it. It’s been pretty incredible!”

One component of MetPro that I found most valuable was the daily accountability I received by using the MetPro app. It made it easy for me to plan ahead and understand what I needed to do each day to be successful. I looked forward to starting my day by logging my weight, workouts, and then receiving feedback from my coaches based on my performance for that day. The MetPro app is an invaluable part of the entire program, I really enjoyed it and it’s easy to use. It’s not hard at all to figure out. It’s been an amazing journey!